What is true?

Damion S. Lupo


Ch 1 – Our Reinvented Life Stories

This chapter is a snapshot into my life and the events that started a personal reinventions.

The process of reinventing your life emerges from a dynamic combination of practical necessity, tenacity and general frustration with your current state of living and personal expression.

My reinvention from being a hedonistic money driven consumer to a conscious teacher occurred out of a necessity to live in truth and crush every bit of inauthentic doucheness.

Ch 2 - The Trigger Event

This is the event, thought, or question that triggers the inception of your reinvention and can come from anywhere at anytime.

My trigger event was the appearance of four armed federal agents at my door.

The trigger event is rarely planned nor is it gentle but plays an essential role to begin the process of exchanging and transforming the life you are living into pure truth and potential for you.

Ch 3 – Consciousness

We explore the quest for discovering personal identity, the attitudes, beliefs, and sensitivities in life.

The development and living of a conscious life is not some ethereal act of mountain top contemplation. It’s best developed by deciding to engage in a consistent practice of taking time to unravel and understand unconscious habits, thoughts and actions that brought you to where you are today.

Ch 4 - Higher Order Consequence

This chapter takes a humorous look at some of the causes and effects of first, second and third order consequences, what they are how they can their misalignment forces the failure of all plans.

The production of great (and not so great) outcomes is illustrated with several common scenarios (eating, shopping and fidelity) in which individuals, in spite of good intentions, engage in actions that sabotage their plan to reinvent their lives.

Chapter 5 – Success Vs. Fulfillment

This chapter explores a number of thought provoking habits and actions that people engage in to gain significance, and the profound differences between achievement and mastery. The concept of significance through acquiring “things” is explored and with it, the idea of recognizing the value of an experience versus the value of owning the item that produces the experience.

I believe fulfillment is a function of contribution and service as opposed to acquiring more material items. This happens via working with individuals of similar mindset and intention.

If your idea of success is more money, the most efficient way to manifest this goal is to align yourself with work inspired by a strong purpose. The side effect of that work will be greater wealth.

Chapter 6 – Stillness

This chapter looks into the necessity of having stillness in your life. As a product of a cultural obsession to be connected at all times, the ability to experience any form of quiet and stillness is almost impossible. The fact remains that to make profound change in your life, a consistent practice of stillness must be developed and ritually followed.

You'll read experiences and insights into the journey into stillness along with strategies and tactics to create stillness for yourself.

Chapter 7 – The Runway

A critical element in reinventing your life is to have adequate financial resources and a defined time line to reach your vision.

Perhaps the completion of your reinvention requires a period of two years. During this time you may be without income from employment and radically change your patterns and habits of consumption. The two years of funds and associated changes in consumption are what we call your runway.

This chapter explores our planning process in creating the time and financial resources needed to actualize our visions.

Many examples of people derailing their plans by slipping into old habits of unconscious spending along with a series of thought provoking questions regarding personal consumption.

Chapter 8 – Metrics

It’s very easy to believe the stories we tell ourselves, (whether or not they are true) especially if there isn’t anyone in your life with the experience and willingness to provide factual guidance. The fact remains that where the outcome is important to you there must be a well-defined system of measurement that tells you if the project is meeting its goals.

In terms of your life, you must have metrics, something to measure your progress so you know if you’re on track or not.

This chapter explores the financial metrics of playing your passion and a process of discovery into financial reality.

In the final part we go into how you can get clear on the numbers for the life you envision and what’s required to create that life.

Chapter 9 - Action Correction Cycle

What are the actions you take on a daily basis that create consistent positive outcomes? What are the daily actions that reap unwanted outcomes? What are you doing differently in comparing the two?

If you’re fifty pounds overweight, eating unconsciously though truly desiring a change in your physiology, reading a book about the theory of dieting won’t fix anything by itself.

This chapter provides examples of conscious and unconscious actions and remedies in the areas of health, relationships, spending and money as well as insight into the importance of having someone to hold you accountable in your process.

Chapter 10 – Osmotic Adaption

The five people with whom you spend the majority of your time will, for the most part, have a profound influence on the outcomes of your life. If you’re focused on becoming financially free but one of your “inner circle” friends is a compulsive spender, you’re far more likely to unconsciously act in sync with your friends actions. This relationship has a negative impact on your desired outcome simply because you’re spending time with the person.

If one of your inner circle is two hundred pounds overweight and eats like she is on death row while you’re training for a marathon and watching everything you put into your body, you will be adversely affected by her proximately and negative habits.

This chapter provides an extensive look into our criteria for defining the members of our inner circle, the selection process and the positive changes that will occur by being vigilant and present in creating a plan for association.

Chapter 11 – Simplicity

What does simplicity mean to you? What are you collecting along the way that once brought you pleasure and now has little or no meaning? What is it about the human condition that leads us to have increasing amounts of extraneous things in our lives?

This chapter looks into the our process of defining the importance of being conscious about rampant consumerism and the process of deciding what is necessary and important.

Simplicity is not a call to austerity, but more a decision to place greater importance on the experience rather than the acquisition of things.


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